Air defrost - Compact profile unit cooler
Cooler above 34°F
From 13000 to 66000 BTU/H @ 10°F.T.D.
Electric defrost - Compact profile unit cooler
Cooler and Freezer above -20°F
From 9690 to 50870 BTU/H @ 10°F.T.D.
Gas defrost - Compact profile unit cooler
Cooler and Freezer above -20°F
From 9690 to 50870 BTU/H @ 10°F.T.D.
CP units have a medium profile aluminum casing and are painted white. State of the art evaporator coils are made of smooth copper tube mechanically expanded into evenly-spaced aluminum plate fins for permanent bond and maximum heat transfer.
Permanently lubricated and thermally protected motor combined with powerful heavy duty 16” aluminum fans individually balanced provide vibration free operation and a long and dependable service. Fan guards are spot welded wire construction with PVC coating for corrosion protection.
Casing allows total accessibility to expansion valve and electrical connections. Unit coolers are designed for most HFC and HCFC refrigerant including R-22, R-407C, R-404A, R-134a and R-507. All CP models must be used with an externally equalized expansion valve.
Units with electric defrost are supplied with a factory wired set and fan-delay / defrost termination thermostat. For an efficient defrost and ease of removability, stainless steel heaters are embedded into die formed fin slots in the face of coils, therefore no space is needed on the sides of the units for heater replacement. Drain pans are heated for fast, reliable drainage.
Gas defrost units are supplied with a factory, wired and set, fan-delay / defrost termination thermostat. An expansion valve by-pass kit including check valve is factory installed. There are two choices of hot gas defrost: reverse cycle defrost suffix “G” and three pipe defrost system suffix “H”. Both are provided with a hot gas loop in drain pan.